In collaboration with art director: Zak Wilson
After hearing of the devastating news that the legendary star Prince has passed away, I figured I'd finally share my one and only lucky encounter with him and his camp. After having the luck to create the art for the 2014 Black Sabbath world tour I was granted the opportunity to pitch some work to the Prince camp for his upcoming 2015 tour. I had always loved his music and who wouldn't jump at the chance to pitch something for the musical icon. Me and Zak, went through many crazy ideas, of acid psychedelic and here are some of the initial sketches but ultimately what I remember most fondly was going back into his catalog of music and rediscovering his stuff for research. Though eventually nothing came outta that pitch it truly was an honor for the opportunity. Thank You Prince for your music and for your inspiration#Dearlybeloved #RIPPrince

UPDATE: due to some incredible support from this post. We have teamed up with BOA design group ( to take the Prince design to a larger than life mural to Denver Colorado's premier Club Vinyl. We are grateful to have teamed up for this collaboration to give Prince this larger than life tribute!