For the article where ESPN writers all came up with their own team for the Las Vegas NHL Expansion team I was commissioned to create 8 logos based on the names they chose. Each one should vary but come from the same wheelhouse, they should be creative but also tongue in cheek. The style doesn't necessarily have to be NHL due to the satirical nature of the article,
Timeline: assignment/conception/ rough/ final/ delivery = One Week
Here is the article: http://espn.go.com/nhl/story/_/id/12551758/nhl-las-vegas-team-names

First task was to start collecting and creating imagery based on the names. Though some were more conservative like the Outlaws. Others proved to be quite difficult to conjure proper imagery. ;P

LAS VEGAS BONES - It was up to my interpretation, so I instantly thought of gambling and the slang of throwing bones aka dice in the game of craps

LAS VEGAS DEALERS - As an avid fan of symmertry, I tried to strike a resemblance between a hand holding a ace of spades to the shape of a curved hockey stick.

LAS VEGAS FLAMINGOS - Trying to create an aggressive flamingo is about as difficult as making an aggressive puffin (not easy.) The lightning bolt just added a little flare.

LAS VEGAS NORDIQUES - Since Las Vegas have little to nothing to do with Nordiques I imagine this was a throwback to the Quebec team or foreshadowing its eventual move back there. I took a swiss style to the design and updated the old logo with some LV charm and colors.

LAS VEGAS OUTLAWS - Harping back to the ol west days this was to create a dynamic moving forward version of the ol masked bandit motif.

LAS VEGAS RATPACK - Created a tie/fedora wearing aggressive rat with a chip on its shoulder.

LAS VEGAS SIN - I wanted to steer away from the Devil imagery since the New Jersey Devils franchise has been around forever so I went back to the first original sin with the snake and the apple.

LAS VEGAS STRIPPERS - This took a few tries because its hard to the get your mind out of the gutter for this suggestion ;) I went for a puck with an "S" in it zipping through the Las Vegas strip.