What inspires you? Creativitiy of course is a guiding light in my life but passion is the driving force behind all great things. When people ask me WHO inspires me, they expect me to rattle off a list of classical visual artists but as of recent I've been looking for inspiration through other mediums. Whether its sports, comedy, design, etc. a person's determination and dedication to one thing often triggers me to look more deeply into what gives me a feeling of flow and purpose.
This is a the beginning of a portrait series that will highlight icons in my life and others. Some of these heroes I may have met and others I have not. They are shining examples of individuals not asking for permission to carve their own niche in the world.
As this is still a visual art experimentation, I will be trying new styles and maybe experiments with styles I've recently discovered or tried to fine tune.
The first of the series is an outstanding UFC MMA fighter who has recently caught my eye as she is a beast in the octagon and an unstoppable force in a primarily male dominated sport. Her charm and domination of the sport has transcended culture, and inspired many young girls to not just pursue athletics but gainful pursuits and as her recent campaign states "Don't be a #DNB (do nothing b*tch)"
Rock on Ronda!